360 Quick-Service Shops Mohamed Farid St.

Cairo, Egypt

GB Auto is a leading Egyptian multinational with operations in key markets and sectors throughout the Middle East and North Africa.

Throughout its more-than 60-year history, GB Auto has built a strong reputation for standing behind its customers and is renowned for providing unmatched after-sales service in the Egyptian market, GB Auto extended its automotive business with new specialized tires quick service shops, to provide a new culture of integration and excellence in the Egyptian market.

Scope of work

Construction Development Center Team was awarded the contribution of the design for the new 360 launching.

  • Project Area Automotive
  • LocationCairo, Egypt
  • SectorsConstruction Documents
    Design Development
    Technical Design
The exterior cannot do without the interior since it is from this, as from life, that it derives much of its inspiration and character.
Stephen Gardiner