Jalalabad, Afghanistan
The project consists of the design, construction, and renovation of the G-2 Intelligence and Command Headquarters
Scope of work
CDC's scope of work included: 1. Master Plan 2. Designing of: · Dining facility, barracks, administration buildings, latrine facilities, gym/auditorium, recreation center/library/market building, laundry facilities, fire station, guard towers/buildings and vehicle maintenance facility plus the motor pool for 500 vehicles to include Petroleum Oil Lubricant Storage Building and Fuel Point. · A band practice hall, running track, and soccer field; renovation of the parade ground and swimming pool · Entry control buildings, bunker, Prime Power Plant and electrical distribution system · Development of raw water source (i.e. ground source water wells) to support approximately 1500 persons · Sanitary sewer collection and treatment system · Development of water wells; potable water booster pumps and associated controls; installation of water distribution system and Water storage tower and tanks · Data, voice and emergency communication systems including centralized communications hub, and underground copper cable installed in duct bank system · Repair of perimeter wall in accordance with Anti- Terrorism/Force-Protection measures; Design and renovate access roads · Drainage Plan incorporating a storm water run-off plan and allowing for proper site drainage to include grading throughout the site with drainage for new and existing structures.
An airplane moving through the sky could be the inspiration for the next store design. A lightning storm could inspire the next corporate office design. We designed a building after being moved by the patterns of a butterfly on a leaf. . . Our design philosophy is to be open to our surroundings and the design will find us.