Regional Military Training Center (RMTC)

Kandahar, Afghanistan

The RMTC is an ANA Military Training Center Establishment which will house approximately 3,000 personnel consisting of trainees and staff.
The work consists of all professional Architectural & Engineering services to provide the As-Built Design Package Submission for the Camp Hero.

Scope of work

CDC’s SOW All A&E services to be delivered shall be in adherence to the USACE RFP and Specifications of construction of the RMTC Kandahar Installations.
The facility shall be site adapts designed, means performing design analysis and prepare drawings and specifications necessary to complete all other remaining non site adapt work.
Final design drawings of all facilities will be provided, site works and related design shall be accomplished as the following:

1- Underground Electrical Site Distribution System (within RMTC site)
2- Aerial Prime Power Distribution System (from Camp Hero Power Plant to RMTC site).
3- Water Distribution System.
4- Sanitary Sewer Collection System.
5- Wastewater Treatment System.
6- Storm Water Collection and Management.
7- Entry Control Points (4).
8- Road Network, foot Paths and Parking areas.
9- Site Communication Infrastructure.
10- Volleyball Courts (3).
11- Perimeter stone wall and anti- vehicle trench.
12- Flag Poles.
13- Parade Ground.
14- Wadi Stabilization (within RMTC site).

  • Project Area Defense
  • Cost USD 25,000,000.00
  • SectorsConceptual Design
    Working Drawings
Whatever good things we build, end up building us.
Jim Rohn