Utopia Pharma Factory

10th Ramadan, Egypt

Utopia Pharmaceuticals (S.A.E) was established in 2008 as a specialized company in the field of pharmaceuticals manufacture and health care.
Utopia Company has its ideal objectives where certain strategies are applied to overcome the challenges that the manufacture of high quality pharmaceutical products confronts in the local market and aims to make the Egyptian dream of competing in the international markets come true.

Scope of work

Construction Development Center was awarded the concept design services, including all the entailed works, for Utopia Pharmaceuticals factory, total factory area is 18,691 m², and the Footprint should not exceed 12,149 m² with a building ratio of 65% including administration areas, production areas, raw material storage, finished warehouse, utilities and ancillary services.

  • Project Area Industrial
  • Location10th Ramadan, Egypt
  • SectorsConceptual Design
    Design Development
    Preparation and Brief
    Technical Design
An airplane moving through the sky could be the inspiration for the next store design. A lightning storm could inspire the next corporate office design. We designed a building after being moved by the patterns of a butterfly on a leaf. . . Our design philosophy is to be open to our surroundings and the design will find us.