Building 03

Giza, Pyramids Plateau

The Client OPE strive to create a globally-inspiring, innovative, and integrated destination that will encapsulate the entire Giza Plateau with top-end amenities and overwhelming human experiences that are truly fit for the magnitude and legacy of the Pyramids. The Client aims to build an integrated destination by bring together profitable dynamics and a portfolio of value-added services. From the moment visitors set foot into the Pyramids of Giza Plateau site, the purpose is to overwhelm and fascinate them throughout an entire spectrum of amenities and conveniences: as early as the parking management, welcoming site greetings, ticketing, and all the way to tailor-made and VIP onsite transportation features.

Scope of work

Cdc has been commissioned to design the existing Khofo Building (AKA Sadat house) for full rehabilitation and remodeling to host a mix of casual dining, fine dining and a cafe. The cope includes the Concept Design, Schematic design, Design development, Construction documents, Tendering and site supervision.

  • Project Area Food & Beverage
  • Cost L.E. 75,000,000.00
  • SectorsArchitectural
    Conceptual Design
    Construction Documents
    Design Development
    Site Supervision
    Working Drawings
Design is a constant challenge to balance comfort with luxe, the practical with the desirable.
Donna Karan